Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Prosperity Gospel - part 1

My View on the Prosperity Gospel from Rayshawn Graves on Vimeo.

This is a video on what I believe about the prosperity gospel. My aim isn't to attack the ministers of it, nor to attack the followers of it. The purpose of this video is to present what the Bible says about God's soverignty over all things and how the prosperity gospel attempts to re-define God's Soverignty and limit the displaying of His glory only to prosperity and blessing. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him in the midst of prosperity or poverty, blessing or wealth. When we look at the Word of God in context all throughout the Bible and when we observe historical Christianity, we will never see the "gospel" that has been crafted in this country over the last 30 years...The gospel that says "you ought to be rich and healthy and blessed all the time...and if youre not, you need faith". The thing that makes the prosperity gospel so incomplete is that it takes this "Americanized" message and exports it all over the world to underpriveledged countries and would tell the hungry, sick, impoverished, and oppressed to compare their lives with the wealthiest of people in their nations and it says to them "God wants you to have that...nice cars, houses, wealth, no problems...why not? Youre a child of God, right?" And instead of pointing these people to the all satisfying Jesus who will and can be glorified in their lives in any situation ( pain, hunger, sickness, oppression), this gospel points them to the pleasures and good life of this world IN Jesus name and then turns God into some Genie in a Bottle and a Santa Claus who will give them all these things. This is wrong and makes this gospel incomplete because it clearly does not apply to everyone for whom Christ died!

The prosperity gospel is always coming up with some new fad or slogan for the year...its "prophecies" always deal with "blessing" and it says to its followers that if youre not "living in abundance" by their standards and the worlds, then "something is wrong with your faith"..."youre operating in fear" and "God's hands are tied because you arent DOING something right" ...thats not in the Bible...

Ill pause with this...look at the life of Job...we can see how God was glorified in both Job's wealth and blessing , and not even in that, namely his uprightness and hatred for evil ( Job 1:8 ), and God was glorified even more in Job's poverty and sickness, and pain , and that to "The prosperity gospel" and Hebrews 11 and youll see how the prosperity gospel falls short and is incomplete...

questions, comments, post em...there will be a part two..Im not finished...

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