Monday, August 29, 2011

3 Gifts: Gospel, Faith, Suffering

Last Sunday, I preached at Springfield Baptist Church. The text was Philippians 1:29 and the focus of the message was on the 3 Gifts that God gives to His people as seen in that passage. God gives us the Gospel: He gives us Jesus. On this basis, God gives us the faith to believe on Him, and He also gives us suffering so that we may be conformed more into His image in the trials and afflictions of this life.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Days and the NBA Lockout....

Here is my tribute to the NBA Lockout.Just some highlights I've been looking at during this wonderful weather we are having in Richmond...Long live the League!... Enjoy!

Allen Iverson's crossover.....on MJ...Classic

Vince Carter's Olympic Dunk

JDub's Elbow pass

D.Wade on Anderson Varejao

Some college cat crushed this guys ankles.....

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What is the Gospel - Paul Washer

A fresh reminder by Paul Washer on "What is the Gospel". Washer's preaching and passion communicate the message of the gospel in a way that leaves you on the edge of your seat. His words are crushing, yet encouraging, and he always lifts high the beauty of Jesus Christ's death on the cross and His resurrection for sinners. Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thoughts on The Grace of God - J.I. Packer

" We can only claim from him justice- and justice, for us, means certain condemnation. God does not owe it to anyone to stop justice taking its course. He is not obliged to pity and pardon; if He does so it is an act done, as we say 'of His own free will,' and nobody forces His hand. 'It does not depend on man's will or effort, but on God's mercy'(Rom. 9:16 NEB). Grace is free, in the sense of being self-originated and of proceeding from One who was free not to be gracious. Only when it is seen that what decides each individual's destiny is whether or not God resolves to save him from his sins, and that is a decision which God need not make in any single case, can one begin to grasp the biblical view of grace."

J.I. Packer - Knowing God

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Perfect Storm

Last Sunday I was given the opportunity to preach at the church I attend, Redemption Hill. The text I preached from was Acts 27:1-44 and the title of the message was "The Perfect Storm". In this sermon, I focused on how God works not in spite of, but in and through the sufferings of His people, to accomplish His mission of advancing the gospel to the world. Next to the sufferings of Jesus, Paul the Apostle was a great example of how God providentially worked in and through suffering for His glory and for our good. This hurricane that Paul encountered in Acts 27 was just another opportunity for God to be glorified as the Lord saved all 276 men on board the ship, and supernaturally confirmed to Paul that he would arrive at Rome safely.

Just as all 276 sailors, soldiers, and prisoners were delivered from the storm and were saved for the sake of Paul, we too are saved from the hurricane of God's wrath and delivered from the power of darkness only for the sake of Jesus.It is because of His perfect life and substitutionary death on the behalf of sinners that we are able to be reconciled to God and brought safely to Him.

The audio of the sermon can be found here

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Kind of Preaching God Blesses - Steve Lawson

This was a great sermon and exposition of 1 Corinthians 1:18-24. In this sermon, Lawson talks about the need for modern day preachers to preach nothing but Christ crucified. Philosophy, the wisdom of this age, and "sharing" of opinion and ideas in the pulpit will not glorify God in the preaching of the gospel.