Saturday, November 15, 2008

Recorded Sounds from Hell?...

This is a video about Hell...the reality of it..This video supposedly contains the sounds of Hell recorded with a microphone used by some Russian drillers when they drilled so deep into the earth that their drill started spnning rapidly, meaning it had reached a hollow place. The drillers found that the hole they had reached contained heat that reached temperatures of 2000 degrees Farenheight (HOTTT!!) These drillers placed the microphone in this hole and were only able to record for 19 seconds before the microphone burnt! Now im no 'X-Files' type of guy...I dont go looking for aliens, and weird manifestations, so im not saying if I totally believe this or not...I was not there 40 years ago when they supposedly found this...but this is what I am saying..What if this is Hell?...what if these are the cries of the damned?...close your eyes as you listen to this and just imagine the reality of hell ..eternal damnation...eternal.....while there is life going on all around you on earth, there are living souls of millions of people condemned in hell...people you may know, friends, family, people you sit beside at work and school...we only get 70, or 80 or more years on this earth before eternity...and that eternity is spent in either heaven with God for being chosen by Him, becoming His son by faith in Jesus Christ, or that eternity is spent in Hell becasuse you lived your life as you pleased..sinning against God and condemning yourself...WHERE WILL YOU BE in 50 years, 60 years,...crying out in rejoicing with God..or crying out for mercy with the damned...something to think about...WATCH...

Here is the full story if you would like to read more about it...

Drilling into Hell

David Wilkerson's Sermon on Hell

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