"...and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of Grace and Truth."
- John 1:14
Truth: aletheia - the unveiled reality lying at the basis of and agreeing with an appearance; the manifested , the veritable essence of the matter. "In the New Testament especially, divine truth or the faith and practice of the true gospel called "truth" either as being true in itself and derived from the true God, or as declaring the existence and will of the One True God, in opposition to the worship of false idols. " - Zodihates
God's glory is full of grace and truth, abounding in grace and mercy to whomever He wills to show grace and mercy (Exodus 33:19) , and abundant in truth - shining the Light of Truth concerning all things. The glory of God manifests the truth about man and the truth about God. While men were in darkness,the Light of Truth shined into darkness and exposed the evil associated with it. (John 1:5; Eph 5:11-14) - which manifested that all men were under the bondage of sin and needed the Light to reveal this to them and bring them out of sin's dark prison. The reality of beholding the glory of God in Jesus Christ shows that all men are in darkness, that they are both wicked and sinful, loving darkness and following after their own lusts and desires, all the while trampling the glory of God underfoot and exchanging it for worshipping the idolatrous pleasures this world has to offer. (Romans 1:23)
When we behold the fullness of the glory of Christ and are given grace by it- we will see and know the truth: that we are helpless, dead in trespasses and sins, and need the redemption of a Savior. The truth shows us that God's wrath was upon us and we were undeserving of His grace, and in the reality of this truth we behold the most awesome Gift and display of Grace that God could ever give: His Son- and in the face of Jesus Christ we could not even begin to grasp the infinite love and mercy that is found in God or even begin to lay hold of the eternal, all -surpassing love wherewith He loved us- for while we were sinners, dead in trespasses in sins, and following after the course of this world, Christ died for us. The glory of Christ and its abundance in grace and truth is what we will spend eternity after eternity worshiping before the throne of God thanking Him for.
Jesus in John 8:31 says the Jews who "believed"(*see John 8:59 to verify their "belief"**) on Him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. " What Jesus was saying was " If you truly have been given grace and have been drawn by My Father to see the glory of His Son Jesus Christ - who is pleasing to the Father- and who comes from the Father, then if you abide and grasp hold of these words which I speak to you, then you will know the truth - you will know that you were helpless, in darkness, lost in sin , and finding pleasure in everything else but God, and you are in desperate need of ME; and that truth - the reality that is unveiled in the words of Christ and in the person of Christ, will set you free." Grace and truth coming from God will cause regeneration, it will take out a stony heart and put in a new heart, and it will turn your eyes to the glory and grace of God to see that Christ is all satisfying, and in Him there is life and pleasure and so much more. Grace and truth work together to display the glory of God in the person and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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