Save me entirely from sin. I know I am righteous through the righteousness of Another, but I pant and pine for likeness to Thyself; I am Thy child and should bear Thy image, enable me to recognize my death unto sin; when it tempts me may I be dead unto its voice.
Deliver me from the invasion as well as the dominion of sin. Grant me to walk as Christ walked, to live in the newness of His life, the life of love, the life of faith, the life of holiness.
I abhor my body of death, its indolence, envy, meanness, pride. Forgive, and kill these vices, have mercy on my unbelief, on my corrupt and wandering heart.
When Thy blessings come I begin to idolize them, and set my affection on some beloved object - children, friends, wealth, honour; cleanse this spiritual adultery and give me chastity; close my heart to all by Thee.
Save me entirely from sin. I know I am righteous through the righteousness of Another, but I pant and pine for likeness to Thyself; I am Thy child and should bear Thy image, enable me to recognize my death unto sin; when it tempts me may I be dead unto its voice.
Deliver me from the invasion as well as the dominion of sin. Grant me to walk as Christ walked, to live in the newness of His life, the life of love, the life of faith, the life of holiness.
I abhor my body of death, its indolence, envy, meanness, pride. Forgive, and kill these vices, have mercy on my unbelief, on my corrupt and wandering heart.
When Thy blessings come I begin to idolize them, and set my affection on some beloved object - children, friends, wealth, honour; cleanse this spiritual adultery and give me chastity; close my heart to all by Thee.
Sin is my greatest curse; let Thy victory by apparent to my consciousness, and displayed in my life. Help me to be always devoted, confident, obedient, resigned, childlike in my trust of Thee, to love Thee with body, soul, mind and strength, to love my fellow-man as I love myself, to be saved from unregenerate temper, hard thoughts, slanderous words, meanness, unkind manners, to master my tongue and keep the door of my lips.
Fill me with grace daily, that my life be a fountain of sweet water.
- From Valley of Vision - a Collection of Puritan Prayers
Fill me with grace daily, that my life be a fountain of sweet water.
- From Valley of Vision - a Collection of Puritan Prayers
Hey man that was an awesome prayer. Very humble and not entitling, like we see with the "sinner's prayer". Real good stuff thanks for posting
I second matts words concerning the puritan prayer.
Well said, Matt. Humility is the thing that always stands out the most in these Puritan prayers. Nothing repeated, nothing short, sweet and indirect, but these prayers were strong in truth, and fully relying upon the Sovereign God to do all things.
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