This Sunday I ministered on Transformation, coming from Romans 12:1-2. The Word of God calls us to present all of who we are to God, as living sacrifices, daily getting on the altar of holiness and conformity to God's will and lighting the match and staying there. The Bible calls us to stay on the altar even when things get heated, throughout good times and bad times, the Christian is to give God all of who he is. The way that men are able to present themselves as holy acceptable sacrifices to God is through making the decision to be sanctified by God and not conforming to this world. Non- conformity to this world means that the Christian is not to be molded by the external, shallow, empty devices of this age or fashioned by this world, the culture or any of its standards. Many on this path of conformity would even attempt to conform Christ to an image rather than conforming themselves to the Jesus who never changes yesterday, today and forever. Today we see largely in the American church a "Jesus" that embraces homosexuality, abortion,and the external devices of the flesh. We see a "rock" Jesus, a black, white, asian, and Indian "Jesus" a hip-hop "Jesus" a "contemporary" Jesus. This conforming Jesus relates to men by "meeting them halfway" and relates to their culture. The God of the Bible relates to all men equally and did so by becoming flesh, being born of a woman, and walking the earth as a man for 33 years. Neither Christ or any of the Biblical figures in the Bible ever conformed to the culture in order to reach men. God has done everything necessary to relate to man.....by becomming a man.., and for men to say that He cannot relate to this present age without all these external shallow methods that will "attract people" is blasphemy.
We must be transformed on the altar of the living sacrifice ,if we are ever to see the kingdom of heaven and enter in. We must be born again, made a new creation, putting off the old man and putting on the new and we must be sheep in sheep's clothing...not sheep in wolves clothing..we must be good trees with good fruit,and houses built on the rock. We must be transformed by the renewing of the mind, the changing of our hearts and by the washing and regeneration of the Holy Spirit.
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