This is a sermon that I was graciously given the opportunity to preach last Sunday, January 11th. The title of the sermon is called "The Broadway" and it comes from Matthew 7:13-14. All men start off on the Broad way and the road is wide, generous, pleasurable and accepting, all the while deceiving men by telling them that it leads to eternal life. This path leads to the unbearable wrath of God in hell, and many are on the path and enter through its wide, accepting gate. Because men start out dead in trespasses and sins, having their reason and understanding darkened, we were totally helpless to do anything that would take us off the broad way. The broad way is an interstate where men are traveling at high speeds, going from newborns to aged men in their lives, for they are only a vapor, and there are no rest stops or U- turns on the way.

Only Christ, because of the love for which God loved us, can open men's blinded eyes and pour out grace upon sinful hearts and take men off of the broadway which leads to destruction, and set them on the narrow path which leads to eternal life. I pray that you will be blessed by this message and look for "The Narrow Way" to follow next week...
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