Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Cross - by Martyn Lloyd Jones

Lloyd-Jones book on the cross is perhaps one of the most simplified, easy-to-read, thorough, and in-depth books on the cross that I have ever read. Based on Galatians 6:14, Dr. Lloyd- Jones unpacks this verse and explains and expounds on the power of the cross. While many boast in many things today: job, relationships, achievements, and popularity, Paul makes it clear that these things are all vanity and that the cross of Jesus Christ is not just the greatest thing that we should boast in, its the only thing; and its because of the cross and its exclusiveness that Paul is saying that the world is dead to him. Lloyd-Jones covers many different things that all surround the cross, from the depravity of man, to the holiness and justice of God, to the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in making a sinner a new creature. This book has really been a blessing to read, I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree.