just posted a new web page on "The Godly Home". I believe that this is a very helpful tool for the Christian Family and any family so that they may be rooted in Christ and produce a godly seed (Mal. 2:1). It is so so so important that the Father be the head of his home, the Mother be called blessed by her children, and that the children be obedient to parents.
These are all things that the Bible commands and today when we live in a culture where the family is torn apart by things such as divorce, miscommunication, and even murder, God's will is that the family flourishes amidst the enemy's attacks against it. In a day where church participation and volunteering and service in ministry is so heavily pushed into the minds of its members, the family can at times be dismembered and scattered in the name of "Christian service".
Now dont get me wrong, Christian service and volunteering is needed and vital because it provides the opportunity produce fruit in our lives, but when it is at the expense of being at church 7 days a week and the family gets neglected, then its a distraction of the enemy. I pray that you be blessed by this site on "The Godly Home" and may its resources and teachings strengthen the FIRST ministry that God has called you to...Your Family
The Godly Home: A ministry of SermonIndex
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